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Android Studio Eclipse style Logcat/Code editor colors

2015. szeptember 05. 09:56 - lacas8282

Nezzuk, hogyan lesz Eclipse szinu/stilusu az editorunk AS alatt:

Eclipse style code editor:

A filet masoljuk be a desktop/user/Android Studio XX/config/colors mappaba.
Restart AS, es File/Settings/Colors&Fonts/Scheme-nel kivalasztjuk Eclipse-t

Disable spell checking


Consolas 12 es 1.1 line spacing mindenhol

Keyword bold

Settings/Color&Fonts/Java Keyword -> bold

Find Eclipse Logcat style

You can find the Eclipse Logcat color setting in the follow foottrace in preferences:

Android ==> LogCat ==> Colors

In case you have already deleted Eclipse or didn't bother to open it, here is the RGB color of each log levels:

Verbose:  000000
Debug: 00007F
Info: 027F00
Warn: FF7F00
Error: FF0000
Assert: FF0000
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